Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tyrant or Beloved Leader?

More cool leadership thoughts!  Correlating stories from popular literature to Biblical principles in leadership can produce powerful allegories that bring insight to Christian leadership concepts.  Denethor, for example, from the Lord of the Rings books by Tolkien, held the legitimate title of a steward, but he did not reach out to his people, and he allowed the fearful propaganda of evil to overwhelm him and eventually turn him into a bitter man driven by fear, obsessive control, and hateful prejudice...
instead of leading his people in courage, love, faithfulness and inspiring them by example to pursue the higher calling of serving others.  All this brings to mind Diotrophes from the 3rd Epistle of John.  He was a leader from a church who also allowed his personality to become the highest authority in his area of influence.  He ceased to be an under-shepherd and assumed for himself, the unauthorized position of Lord and Master of the saints.  What a subtle and pathetically human viewpoint of leadership!  

Jesus blew away all the brutal & primitive anthropological paradigms of leadership by assuming the role of servant, and washing his disciples feet, and then letting it sink in.  

If we made two lists of leadership styles and attitudes posting Denethor/Diotrophies (Lording it over) over one column and Jesus Christ (Serving one another in love) over the other column; and started to list characteristics of leadership attitudes in our fellowships.  Which column would be longest?  What would we learn about ourselves?  Do we still have a lot of growing to do?  Does even the thought of this exercise incite a fear of being censured?